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The Illinois State Crime Commission values your privacy. Please read the following information about how we handle your information.


Our website collects your IP address, browser type and operating system on each visit to every page on this site on our behalf. This information is used ONLY for internal statistic tracking purposes and is never shared with other entities outside The Illinois State Crime Commission unless required by law enforcement. Your name and other information is NOT collected unless you specifically provide it.


The Illinois State Crime Commission does not, nor will EVER send ‘Spam’. We only communicate with our current customers, current vendors, current business partners or other parties that have an interest in becoming customers or business partners. We will, on occasion, send all of our customers a group e-mail when special offers, price changes, updates or if important issues arise.

If you believe you have received bulk e-mail from us, or have received a suspicious e-mail that appears to be fraudulent, please contact us immediately so that we can investigate the matter.

All e-mail messages received from our customers are kept completely confidential and are never shared with parties outside of The Illinois State Crime Commission without your express permission unless required by law enforcement.

If you do not wish to receive further e-mail communications from us, please click on the unsubscribe option in one of our recent emails sent to you.

Thank you for your trust and for visiting our website!

The Illinois State Crime Commission

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We are sad to inform you that Mike Prueter recently passed away unexpectedly. Please remember him and his family in your prayers. Click here for more information.

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